Mince pies and coffee at the end - back at the Courtyard Cafe.(Old stables for the Priory)
A rather heavily decorated tree we saw on route one day!
This was another day.
Here is an idea! Pages from an old book, shaped as cones....
Yum! Yum!
These four photos were taken inside Nostell Priory - the Christmas theme this year was ' Dickensian'.
A different day .... some children this time.
... and ..Yes....this chap rode all the way with the 'tree' attached to his bike. He also played carols along the way!!
We caused a stir along the way - school children in particular were impressed!
A tea break at Angler's Country Park.
The Courtyard Cafe - yet again! The mince pies were always delicious here!
These last three photos are again at Nostell Courtyard cafe..... this time it was a half way stop when we had set off from Pontefract. (20 miles this day)
A Happy Christmas to you all.