Andrew and Gavin - note the new side opening window in dining room.
The above photos were just general views of the garden/lawn area above the pond. The next selection are close-ups of flowers and objects taken as photography experimentation!
A selection of aqualegias.
Allium seed heads. 'Purple sensation'
'Gloria' - Remember her, Jenny?
Geranium sylvaticum 'Mayflower'
The vegetable garden early on. I am picking beans and sweet peas now.
Flower pot man (now moved) and 3 Great Tits on peanut hanger.
How did Miss Pukeko get to the UK?
White Campanula. They spread and make a wonderful show.
How about this for a wildlife shot? Bee approaching white Foxglove.
I bought a packet of Sunflower seeds from Aldi (a small supermarket) and was amazed at how HUGE the plants have turned out to be .......................
.............. and some multi-headed. - 'Sunburst'
Two photos 'stitched' together' - top is 'Velvet Queen', bottom is 'Sunburst'.
The top rose is a climber - it was already in the garden, so is an unknown variety,
the bottom one was bought as a red one- 'Fred Loads, English rose', but the label did say 'colour may differ from illustration'.
Little scarecrow family.
Bee on tall white Allium - 'Mount Everest'
End of the garden tour.